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Buyer Guides

  • Are you fed up with being too hot during the warmer months?
  • Did you know that most modern air conditioning systems also provide a very efficient source of heating?
  • Are you considering purchasing an air conditioning product, but being overwhelmed by the choices?

We understand that buying any type of air conditioning product can be daunting and also that it is not necessarily the cheapest product you are ever going to purchase (in fact, having a system installed throughout a full property can cost well into the ££££’s) but we’re here to help. We’ve acquired a wealth of knowledge from both our staff here at CoolEasy and various installation engineers, to compile all the information you are going to need before committing to one product or another.

  • Close up of a hand holding a air conditioning remote controller, with an air conditioning system in the background.

    How Does Air Conditioning Work?

    People think that air conditioning lowers the temperature in an area by simply pumping cool air in. However, what’s really happening is that the heat from the warm air within...

  • Portable Air Conditioners Buyers Guide

    Portable Air Conditioners Buyers Guide

    A portable air conditioning unit can be an extremely useful heating solution. Take a look at CoolEasy's buyer guide to find out which is the right one for you!

  • Dehumidifier Buyer's Guide

    Dehumidifier Buyer's Guide

    If you’re thinking of buying a dehumidifier, but have realised there is a lot more choice than you originally expected, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a...

  • Split-System Air Conditioning Buyer's Guide

    Split-System Air Conditioning Buyer's Guide

    Split-type air conditioning systems come in a variety of different shapes and sizes to suit most applications and budgets. The key thing to remember when looking to purchase any split-type...